Tips on delivering presentations from a 9 year old

This is Kaitlin, she is 9 years old. Recently, she did her first ever presentation. The topic was “The Lifecycle of a Butterfly”.
She told me that she was very nervous but that she got some good advice from her mother (my niece Kacy) and her school teacher. She said that her presentation went very well and that her teacher was very pleased with it.
I asked her what tips she would give to anyone who had to do a one minute presentation. Below is an exact transcript of her tips which she typed without any help. She is one bright 9 year old, in more ways than one!
These are my tips for a one minute speech by Kaitlin Downes age 9
1. Always have someone with you to help with (e.g.) Timing to start and stop your stopwatch. Telling you whether or not you have enough detail.
2. Don’t have too many facts, depending on your subject have about 7 main facts.
3. Keep trying until you get to a minute if that means you have to take one or two facts out well then that’s what you have to do.
4. Be calm don’t talk too fast or too slow and remember bigger is not always better.
5. Finally, practice about 9 times until you feel you have done your best.
Now you’re ready to show what you have achieved to your family and friends.
By Kaitlin Downes. Age nine
Thank you very much Kaitlin for sharing these tips on my blog – my favourite one is definitely number 3!
Barbara Moynihan Age a lot more than 9!