Q+A session

3 tips to handle a Q+A session effectively
Oct 30, 2019 |
Pitching, Presenting tips
|business presentations, communication tips, Presenting tips, Q+A session |
Do you or your sales team give great presentations but fall at the Q+A session?
Many years ago, when I was consulting for a major telecoms company, I was asked to sit in on a sales pitch being delivered by a global vendor of computer software. It was a household name back then and still is now. I mean, this was a BIG multinational. The 2 sales people arrived late, yes late!
However, they delivered a very professional company presentation. They had beautiful slides and it was obvious that they were well rehearsed and well prepared.
Well prepared … until it came to the questions and answers session.
Within less than 1 minute it became embarrassingly apparent to everyone in the room that they only knew the content on the slides! It was embarrassing for them and to be honest, for all of us in that room. They left shortly afterwards with their beautiful slides and their tails between their legs.
Nobody wants that to happen to them or their sales teams. It is not surprising t...
Many years ago, when I was consulting for a major telecoms company, I was asked to sit in on a sales pitch being delivered by a global vendor of computer software. It was a household name back then and still is now. I mean, this was a BIG multinational. The 2 sales people arrived late, yes late!
However, they delivered a very professional company presentation. They had beautiful slides and it was obvious that they were well rehearsed and well prepared.
Well prepared … until it came to the questions and answers session.
Within less than 1 minute it became embarrassingly apparent to everyone in the room that they only knew the content on the slides! It was embarrassing for them and to be honest, for all of us in that room. They left shortly afterwards with their beautiful slides and their tails between their legs.
Nobody wants that to happen to them or their sales teams. It is not surprising t...