Presenting tips

6 steps to a successful speech or presentation

Each year on 15th March (World Speech Day), organisations and communities globally are invited to hold public speaking events to encourage people to give a speech, talk or presentation.  We thought we’d share our 6 simple steps to help you be successful with your next speech or presentation, regardless of whether it’s delivered in-person or via a webcam virtually.
1.  Who
Who is your audience?  Have you ever listened to a presenter and thought “they don’t know who they’re talking to”?
It makes no difference if you are talking to a large group of people in the same room, or an audience located in different places around the world, if you don’t know who you are speaking to then you won’t be able to make a connection with them.
Research your audience!  What industry are they from?  Are there cultural differences you need to consider?  What age range are they?  What challenges do they face?  How can you help them?
Once you know who your audience is,...
SSS of presenting

The SSS of Presenting and Why You Need To Know It

Sometimes the first minute of a presentation can be the most nerve wracking!
This is why during our Presentation Skills training programmes, both virtual and in-person, we spend time talking about what we call the SSS of presenting.  These are 3 quite simple, yet often overlooked, key things to do before diving straight into your presentation.  Not only will they help you feel more confident, but they will also help you look more confident to your audience.
So, what is the SSS of presenting?
S – Settle
When presenting in front of a group of people, be it virtual or face to face, you might feel the need to start talking the second you get up and launch straight into what you have to say (probably with the aim of getting it over with as soon as possible!)
This can give the audience the sense of being rushed… which is one thing you don’t want them to feel.  You want them to take notice of what you are saying and connect with you.
Therefore, before you start your presentation, jus...

How to gesture naturally

Whenever we carry out presentation skills training, whether face to face or virtually, whether in a one-to-one coaching session, or with a team in-company, there is one common area that clients struggle with and that is how to gesture and look natural doing it.
They will say that they feel “fake” when they gesture, and it is not in their nature to do it.  Yet, when we see them communicating informally during our sessions, we see them in full flight and gesturing considerably!
Because when they talk about topics they are interested in, they become highly animated.
Obviously 2020 saw a lot of us having to present online via the likes of Zoom, Teams, etc., and you may think that gesturing goes out of the window when you are presenting to a webcam.  However, you still need to gesture in order to look natural, regardless of whether you are in front of a group of people in the same room or a laptop screen.
Read on for our tips on how to do just that.
How to gesture and loo...
how to stop blushing

Oops I did it again …. How to deal with blushing in a presentation

Blushing can be very embarrassing, when it happens during a presentation, it can make us even more nervous.
It happens to the best of us.  I remember on my wedding day, my biggest fear was not whether my husband-to-be would turn up (he did, thankfully!) but that I would blush.  In those days, when I blushed it seemed to go from my cheeks, to my neck and all the way to my toes!  For many people who blush, the fear of blushing while delivering a business presentation can actually impinge on their impact.
Before we look at the tips on how to deal with blushing – just a little bit on why we blush and why we blush less as we age.
Why do we blush?
According to we blush because we feel embarrassed.  When we feel embarrassed our body releases adrenaline, similar to how it does in the fight or flight response.  The latter goes right back to caveman time.  Caveman comes out of his cave – sees a tiger, has to decide… “hmm, will I fight...
Christmas Presentation Tips

Christmas Presentation Tips

Towards the end of each year, you may be asked to give a presentation, such as an end of year review, targets for the next year etc., to your team, senior management or perhaps a client.  Or, perhaps during Christmas you might be called upon to give a speech at a family celebration.
This year may be slightly different, in that you may have to do this virtually, via a webcam, instead of in a room full of people!  Rather than panic about this, draw on your presentation skills previously learned and adapt them to fit the virtual world.
Here are some light-hearted quirky Christmas Presentation tips (using the acronym Christmas) to help!
C is for CEO
Have you ever noticed that most CEOs tend to stand tall and command a room?  They exude confidence and have a presence about them.  Even if they are sitting, they tend to sit up, rather than slouch.
There is no reason why you can’t do that too! You don’t have to be a CEO to look and sound more confident.
You may think it...
Pausing in presentations

8 reasons why pausing makes you a better presenter

Pausing is one of the presentation skills we highly recommend, and can be the difference between a successful presentation and a less memorable one!
You have probably noticed that really confident speakers pause… a lot! They tend to speak in shorter sentences, use less words and therefore have more impact.
Their silence speaks volumes.
Those who are not so confident, tend not to pause as much.  You will find the not-so confident speakers tend to replace full stops with the word “and”.
They make a point – then, instead of pausing, they add the word “and” which results in them continuing to the next sentence, or point without so much as a whisper of a pause, and it reduces their impact and they find themselves speaking in long rambling sentences, much like this one and it is quite annoying and seriously reduces their impact.
If you are a person who notices yourself using a lot of “ands”, you might need to think about replacing some of them wi...
virtual presentations

Keep your audience engaged in your virtual presentations with these 5 tips

One question that we are constantly asked by our clients when giving virtual presentations is “how on earth do we keep a virtual audience engaged?” When you give a presentation in-person, you can pick up on the audience’s reactions more quickly and easily than when you present via a webcam.
It is more difficult to engage the audience when done virtually… but it’s not impossible!
We’ve shared our top tips below to help you keep your audience engaged on your video calls/meetings or virtual presentations.  (If you prefer to watch the video go to the end of this post)
Tip 1:  Act engaged
Dale Carnegie said: “Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic.”
Presenting to camera doesn’t mean you have to sit in one place like a robot, with your arms by your sides and talk monotonously! You can still bring energy to what you are saying.
One way to do this is to set up your laptop / desk etc so you can be standing rather than seated.  You will find you use ha...

From Spongebob to Beckett – an Irish actor’s insights on vocal impact and diversity

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing the actor and voice-over artist Marcus Lamb.
Marcus has extensive experience of screen, theatre and voice-over work in both English and Irish.  So, when it comes to using voice – Marcus is a bit of a guru.
From the voice of Spongebob (in the Irish version) to Terence Andrews in ‘The Dublin Murders’, to Dessie O’Malley, whom he played in the historical drama broadcast on RTÉ Television in 2015 and numerous Beckett plays – Marcus has an incredibly wide range of vocal diversity he has had to utilise for his characters.  Believe me when I tell you – he knows a lot about the voice and can do amazing things with his own voice!
In this blog I share just a few of the many insights he shared, that can help anyone who needs to add more diversity and texture to their vocal impact.
Preparing your Voice
I asked Marcus how he prepares his own voice.  He shared a technique that originates from Stewart Pearce.  Stewart is associated...
Group presentation

6 tips to help your group presentations be a dream – not a nightmare!

A large proportion of the presentation skills masterclasses we carry out in-company tend to be for individuals within a team.  These individuals want to give their presentation skills a serious overhaul to bring them to the next level.  Or in some instances, individuals on the team are giving their own presentation at a conference, all hands, quarterly business review or other internal or external event and want to be at their absolute best.
However, more and more, we find clients approaching us to work with teams of people who would not ordinarily present.
Why so?
Well, the main reason is that quite often clients, or prospective clients, want to see more than a salesperson.  They want to see the people who they will deal with, day to day and week to week, in the course of transacting their business.  Whether that is an outsourced IT team, auditors or a creative team.
Presenting as a group raises certain issues that you need to address so that your team comes across as a cohesive T...
seated presentations

On Your Seat! 5 tips for giving seated presentations

It is natural to stand when giving a presentation – it helps us to feel confident, more in control and gives us an air of authority.  We can see the audience clearly thereby gauging their reactions easily, and we can move around during the presentation if we feel comfortable doing so.
So, why would we choose to give a seated presentation?
Sometimes it’s just not practical to stand up to present, due to the room size, the audience size, or other restrictions.  The situation with Covid-19 has meant a large number of people, both here and abroad, have been ordered to work from home.  This may have thrown a lot of people in at the deep end when it comes to using a different form of communication e.g. video calls, giving presentations online, virtual team meetings etc.
One thing that does stay the same, regardless of whether you are sitting, or standing is preparation!  You need to know who you are presenting to, why they need to hear your message, and how your presentation needs to...